Wednesday 8 September 2010

Calling Children and Young Adults - NHS Cumbria needs you!

NHS Cumbria's Public Engagement team are looking for feedback from anyone 19 years and under on a new leaflet (below), which has been put together for young people who need care and treatment from any part of the NHS.

If you have had personal experience of using the dentist, local GP, A & E Department or some other part of our local health service, we'd really value your comments on this.

The kind of things we're looking to check on this leaflet are:
  • Is the leaflet too long?
  • Is it aimed at the right age group?
  • Does it use words you understand OK?
  • Are there important things we've missed from it?
This leaflet is one part of an ongoing project done by NHS Cumbria around how young people and children use our services. It's just one aspect of improving how we deal with our younger patients, so please let us know what we can do to make your experience of healthcare from us even better in the future.

Simply click on the photos in the post to read them full-size.

If yould like to help, please comment back at the end of this blog post, our Facebook page at or at our Twitter account ( Thanks!

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