Thursday, 4 February 2010

A problem shared, problem solved

If you're one of the thousands of people who gave up smoking as 2009 became 2010, how's it going? Don't be discouraged if your resolve has wavered or even gone the way of an abandoned January sale banner. The road to a nicotine-free life can often be a rocky one without that old coping mechanism to fall back on, so it's important to find new ways to relieve stress as well as get solid support with the goal of giving smoking for good.

Those who have struggled with quitting usually gather some valuable insights along the way about what really challenges their ability to go smoke-free. Is it cravings, the same old routine or stress that triggers a relapse? Knowing these can make a big difference in achieving your goal.

Don't forget too, the reasons why you wanted to give up in the first place. Some of the most common ones are:
  • Your family are getting worried about your habit;
  • Financially you'd be much better off;
  • Your kids' - or even pets' - health is suffering;
  • You're sick of smelling of smoke all the time...
  • ...or maybe you just want to lead a healthier life.
Whether you fancy trying a (new) form of nicotine replacement therapy or if you want someone to talk to with real understanding of how hard it can be, the Stop Smoking Service is there to help. Contact them on 01900 324222 or text 'QUIT' to 82540.

One popular approach is to meet together in a group, run by your local Stop Smoking Advisor. There's nothing like a roomful of people who share that common goal to help boost your own motivation to stay stopped. Here's how it works:

If you'd like more information on groups or any of the free services provided by our Stop Smoking Advisors, ring the helpline. The number again is 01900 324222. And don't give up giving up!