Thursday 30 July 2009

New Children & Young People's Panel

The process recently set in motion to make radical changes to Children's & Young People's Health Services is progressing fast. The core aims are to offer fair access to all services to people around the county - no matter where they are - and that those services should be of consistent quality throughout.

One way that the NHS Cumbria decision-makers are ensuring that the soon-to-be appointed service provider is up to the task, is to set up a fairly informal panel consisting of two relatively small groups: Children and their parents, plus a group for just young people, up to around nineteen years of age. One of the roles of the panel is to interview the prospective health providers and assess their suitability. The panel would also be asked to meet on an occasional basis to make sure newly-evolving services are staying on track.

In all, we're looking for up to ten families and ten young people to take part in the panel, which is a unique opportunity for people with experience of the Health Service - good or bad - to influence how it should be for the next years. Travel expenses will be provided together with the usual tea, coffee plus a light bite to eat. If anyone would like more info, contact me, Elle at or on 0779 5640455.