One of our current campaigns is 'Best2Know', urging adults under 25 to take a chlamydia test as part of a national screening programme.
Unlike other sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), chlamydia is a very commonly-occuring infection, as it can often go unnoticed with no symptoms at all.
Across England, an average 10% of all 16 to 24 year olds have chlamydia, while in Cumbria, 720 people tested positive for chlamydia out of more than 9,000 tested back in 2008.
For anyone squeamish about having a test, chlamydia screening is simple, fast and painless, as a urine sample is all that's required. The sample can then either be handed in at the local GP surgery or nearest sexual health clinic. Alternatively, it can also be posted straight to a lab in a pre-paid envelope which is part of screening kit, available free to anyone aged 15 to 24.
Should the test result return positive, the person will be contacted in total confidentiality via their mobile phone and advised how to get treatment. A week's course of antibiotics is usually all that's needed to clear chlamydia.
Jane Muller is NHS Cumbria’s Associate Director for Public Health. She said: “Chlamydia is a big problem as it’s widespread in young people as they often don’t know they’ve got it so continue to pass it on to new or multiple partners. If left untreated it can have serious long-term consequences, particularly for women where it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies and infertility.
“The best way to check if you’ve caught Chlamydia through unprotected sex is by having a simple and painless urine test. This is why we’re asking everyone in Cumbria under 25 to get tested, as it’s the only way you’ll know.”
You can get a chlamydia testing kit by visiting your GP, local participating pharmacy, sexual health clinic, by calling 01228 608036 (or 608035) or by filling in a form online at